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Learn more about all the education platforms and developments within Batseta here.

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Training Framework

Batseta is a recognised Professional Body

Batseta is a SAQA recognised  Professional Body for the purposes of the NQF Act, Act 67 of 2008 since 22 November 2013. Our approved designations on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)are:

  • Chartered Principal Executive Officer (CPEO)

  • Associate Principal Executive Officer (APEO)

  • Licentiate Trustee

Batseta is bound to the prescribed Policy and Criteria for the recognition of a Professional Body and the registration of Professional Designations as outlined in the NQF Act of 2008.

Batseta uploads its member data on the National Learners Records Database (NLRD).

Batseta is the only professional body in the Retirement Funds sector recognised by SAQA.

Recognition of Batseta as an AQP and DQP by the QCTO

Batseta is appointed by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) as the Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) and the Development Quality Partner (DQP) for the  Occupational Qualification: Principal Professional Executive Officer (PPEO), SAQA code 134901.  The qualification is registered on the NQF at Level 7.

The Education and Training Committee is the overarching structure which:

  • Oversee Trustee and Principal Officer training Professional Training Programmes

  • Manage Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for all members and designated members

  • Maintain the quality standards of the delegated functions as set out by the QCTO for being an AQP

  • Maintain quality in all recognized designations as prescribed by SAQA

  • Make recommendations to the Governing Board on matters related to Skills Development in the Retirement Fund sector

Frequently Asked Questions on Training and Development

- Please click here  to find more information with regards to training, development and CPD.

- Please click here  to find more on how to become a recognised professional principal executive officer in the retirement fund industry


Trading Hours:
Monday - Friday  08:30 - 16:30

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© 2020 by Batseta. 

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