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Thank you

On behalf of Batseta, I extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support of the Winter Conference 2024. This year’s conference was a tremendous success, and we attribute much of this achievement to your outstanding contributions.

The feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive, with many highlighting the relevance and thoughtfulness of the topics presented, as well as the exceptional quality of the speakers and panelists. The exhibitions were also well-received, further enhancing the overall experience.

We deeply value the partnership we have built with you and look forward to continuing this relationship in future endeavors.

Once again, thank you for your invaluable contribution. Should you have any feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Anne-Marie D'alton , Batseta CEO

Click on the below to access conference images:

Batseta 2024 - 082.jpg
Batseta 2024 - 004.jpg
Batseta 2024 - 112.jpg
Batseta 2024 - 154.jpg
Batseta 2024 - 084.jpg
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